Honey Roasted Almonds

I had a big pack of whole almonds on hand and in an effort to get my husband interested in those, I tried making a honey roasted version that he could snack on while at work. This recipe comes together in no time and requires no fancy ingredients. I also think that these would make for a nice holiday gift and would like to send it as my entry to Home-made Christmas Gifts event hosted by My Kitchen Treasures.


Whole almonds (with skin) - 2 cups
Sugar - 1/4 cup
Honey - 2 tbsp
Salt - 1/2 tsp
Water - 2 tbsp
Vegetable/Canola oil - 2 tsp

1) Preheat oven to 350F. Cover a baking sheet with aluminium foil (with the dull side up and shiny side down). Spread the almonds on this as a single layer and bake for 12 to 15 minutes stirring once or twice in between to ensure that it's roasted uniformly. Remove from oven and set aside.

2) Mix sugar and salt in a bowl. Heat a wide pan on medium and add honey, water, oil & stir. Allow to boil and add the roasted almonds and keep stirring and cooking till all the liquid has been absorbed by the nuts.

3) Immediately transfer to a bowl and sprinkle the sugar-salt mixture over it and toss so it's uniformly coated.

4) Spread this almond mixture on the foil covered baking sheet and allow to cool completely.
Tasty honey roasted nuts are ready to devour or pack and gift.

To see my last year's entry for this event check out : Cranberry Almond Biscottis


  1. You have to get your husband interested in these? I have to hide mine from the hubby! LOL! These looks so good for a homemade gift.

  2. Thankyou so much for sending this to me.
    I love roasted almonds , never done at home.
    These looks so yummy delicious. Wish i had few of them nnw to nibbles on.

  3. Very creative. My husbnad loves dry fruits and almonds in particular. Bookmarking it to try.

  4. Wow,wow,wow..........This is what i was searching for...so yummy...

  5. I tried peanut honey, love the almonds idea! Great gift :)

  6. honey and almonds.. who wouldn't love to snack on these.. lovely recipe.

  7. wow.. looks really tempting.. new 2 me.. thxs for sharing dear...

  8. lovely recipe for sweetened almonds..droolworthy

  9. drooling on ur honey roasted almonds..mouthwatering snaps..

  10. I can see that this will make a great christmas or hostess gift put inside festive boxes from the craft store! The same thing will cost a lot more to buy from a store.

  11. Wow,those honey roasted almonds looks mouthwatering,i will sure try:)

  12. Drooling over the honey roasted almonds...very innovative..

  13. First time to your blog, just amazed.

  14. i love almonds, these are lovely to snack on, Laavanya

  15. Reminds of the glazed pecans popular in the southern US.

    Really awesome! Thanks for this.

  16. lovely almonds Laavanya! never tried this. looks so delicious.

  17. Wow! Roasted almonds with honey sounds yummy...

    Enjoy festivities by participating in Christmas Feast Event

  18. Grt snack for the kids..Never tried before . Looks yummy Lavanya.

  19. I've tasted this at a friend's place sometime before and just loved it, nice to see the recipe for it! :) got to try this for sure..

  20. Thank you Shama.

    Manasi, once i made this, I had to hide it from him too. For a while I though there would be nothing left to pack for his office :D

    Happy cook, it's my pleasure actually. I couldn't stop with a few

    RC, oh that's good to know.. hope you do try.

    Thanks Ramya, Cham, Mahima, Srikar, Sowmya & Suma.

    Veggiebelly, that's so true. He was actually going to pick up something at the grocery store when I remembered the pack at home and decided to make these.

    Thank you Raks & Priya. Hope you do try.

    Premyscakes - thank you so much, very nice of you to say that :)

    Deesha, thank you.

    Supriya, now you have me drooling at the thought of glazed pecans - yum.

    Hey Uma, that's a cute picture :) Thank you.

    Thank you Purva & kamala.

    Sujatha, thanks.. hope you get a chance to try sometime.

  21. hmm Thats delicious!! nice gift Lavanya!

  22. Never tasted these laavanya....bu they lookso moist coated.....

  23. I love honey roasted nuts!!! These look simply phenomenal, Laavanya! :)

  24. Wish I was at the receiving end!! My almonds get over because I love them toasted or I blanch and make barfis. Will try this too next time!

  25. If I made these, I would keep snacking on them all the time... Looks great!

  26. Wow, wonderful honey roasted almonds.. simple and home made !!

  27. I could eat tons of those, looks awesome!

  28. What a great combination of honey and almonds. It looks so beautiful! so yummy... Will try it out soon. Thanks so much for sharing.

  29. You do an admirable job. Please continue to keep developing. Thank you


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