Mango Bubble Tea

I don't typically have the best luck when it comes to finding sweet, good mangoes... either they are totally bland or on the few occassions they've been sweet, they are much too fibrous etc. So, when I do find the perfect mango, i just peel and eat it plain... and hardly venture into making anything with it. When it's not that sweet however, I typically toss them in with strawberries, sweet yogurt or some haagen dazs mango icecream & milk and blend them to a delicious smoothie.

This time however, though the mangoes I had were quite sweet, I was suddenly in the mood for bubble tea. Bubble tea is typically fruit flavoured tea with some tapioca starch in the bottom (which make up the bubble component). I first had them in Singapore and it was quite popular then and we would get many exotic flavours and I loved the chewy tapioca pearls in the bottom which made the drink a long lasting, even filling one and it was something we (my friends and I) enjoyed while roaming the streets of Orchard. I was quite happy to find them here in the US - and though I don't always go for different flavours here, the one my husband and I pretty much have is the mango flavored one and it doesn't seem to have much tea to it.. just mango juice with these tapioca pearls.

Imagine my surprise when I found a pack of these tapioca pearls in an asian grocery store that we frequent.. I picked up a pack and decided to whip up some of this delicious bubble tea at home. Only thing I didn't have was those fat straws.. need to get them to complete the experience. For now, I just take a couple sips and use a spoon to scoop out the pearls. You could add black tea to the mix below but I skipped it this time.


Ingredients: (for 2-3 servings)
Ripe Mango - 1, peeled & cut into chunks
Low Fat milk - 1 cup
Water - about half cup
Sugar - 2 tbsp
Tapioca Pearls - half cup
Honey - to taste

1) Cook the Tapioca Pearls according to package directions - for mine, I boiled about 3 cups water and slowly stirred in the tapioca pearls and let them cook for 5 mins, covered on medium flame, till plumped up and soft. Scoop them out to a bowl and add a few tbsp of the water that the tapioca pearls were cooked in, 1 tbsp sugar and a bit of honey and mix well. This will keep it soft until ready to serve.

2) Blend mango pieces, milk, water as required (so it's not too thick) & sugar to taste.

3) To serve, add tapioca pearls to the cup, mango juice, (black tea, if using can be added at this point). It makes for a filling, refreshing drink.

I would like to send this as my entry to Refreshing Drinks - RD for Summer hosted by Chandrabhaga.


  1. I too dont have luck in selecting sweet mangoes..Yesterday i bought some, and got nice scoldings from hubby, for not picking good one's:)

    Drink Look's so Refreshing!!

  2. I just love mangoes .. this bubble tea is soo new to me .. need to give this a try

  3. I love mangoes and bubble tea... I usually have a lychee smoothie with bubbles - like u said, the fat straws complete the experience :)
    yours looks yummy :)

  4. wow! something totally new to me. I am not sure I know what tapioca pearl is though. Also, I can totally relate to the experience of sour and fibrous mangoes too! Will try this buttle tea :-)

  5. Looks yummy! Perfect for this summer..

  6. Me too! I hate Spanish Mangoes which look good and smell good. I am drooling and then buy some. What I get is sour and stringy pulp, I need to floss after eating those! :D

    Canned Indian is what I rely on mostly. Tapioca pearls looks so good there in the bottom, good one! :)

  7. yummy drink... what is tapioca pearls in tamil? javvarisi?

  8. I never tasted bubble tea, it is gorgeous Lavi!

  9. Well wish i had your luck too, for getting delicious mangoes.
    Delicous drink.

  10. Laavanya, thanks for the message on the kootu.

    Just love the sounds of this drink. The tapioca pearls that I have are the small kind which will be perfect for this drink. As for the mangoes that might be harder.
    A friend gave me some mangoes and amazingly they had were not fibrous but not very sweet. I went to the store and looked for the same and came back with a few. Lets see how they turn out.

  11. Bubble tea is new to me...Its an interesting drink..Thanks for sharing :)

  12. Very unique, frist time seeing mango and tea together. Very intersting, Love anything made out of mangoes.

  13. How neat, never seen bubble tea before :)

  14. Wow...thats a new one, really interesting...looks delicious.

  15. The drink looks very refreshing, lovely color...I have start looking for tapioca pearls now :)

  16. Adding Tapioca seeds to the tea, mmm interesting and Mango in a tea swept me off... Sometime even I face the same prob with mango, so why trouble myself doing something more with it, I just eat it plain ;)

  17. My daughter and me enjoy this same drink in my neighborhood chinese fast food, and am so excited to see the recipe for it... got to try this one soon!

    Btw, have left comments on your avarakkai :)

  18. So interesting. I never knew about this!

  19. I have never heard about this combination, sounds delightful...

  20. Hey Lavanya, thanks for the comments dear.. about the almond flour you can get them at stores or make them at home but they need to be very dry and not sticky... For these 2 reasons I prefer store bought...

  21. so different..i remember i had something like this in taiwan...he he..:)

  22. wow.. The name itself is so attractive! Never had this before... Looks fabulous! Thanks for sending it to my event!

  23. This is so new to me Lavs..I loved that pic..looks pretty n yum..:)

  24. cant believe u made tht. this is so different! hats off! i want to try this for sure!!

  25. btw where to find tapioca pearls in north America? would any grocery store have it? if so which section?

    i never made bubble tea at home b4 or even thought of it. u inspire me.

  26. never head of this before. Looks so good Laavanya! Anything tastes great with mango! YUm!

  27. i love the differet flavours too ..looks so good and refreshing..

  28. What a delightful drink! It's like nothing I've heard before.
    My luck too has been lousy with mangoes. I've had to add sugar to the mango-based dishes I make coz they aren't sweet enough.

  29. This post was a revelation. We have something called Singapore bubble tea in a food court here, never tried it. Maybe we should next time we go to the mall - only, I fear it would have closed down now that I want to try it.

  30. I think bubble tea not available here. It reminds me of enjoying it when we were in singapore. Love it.

  31. I love bubble tea...Wish to have some, looking good.

  32. omg this sure looks refreshin,..;-)

  33. Interesting Laavanya. Never heard of it. Viji

  34. Wow...this is something totally new for me :) Looks refreshing!

  35. Never tasted bubble tea looks very refreshing...How r u?

  36. i adore those plump tapioca pearls. i even have the fat straws used to slurp them. thanks for the recipe.

  37. Very unique and I am glad i learnt this recipe. I have some mango at home and might try this!

  38. I would like too take some time too thank the active members for doing what you do and making the community what it is im a long time reader and first time poster so i just wanted to say thanks.

  39. My son loves bubble tea. He would ask for it every time we went to China town. I'm making strawberries and pineapple right now. Thanks for the recipe.


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